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Byelovezhskaya Puscha - Lake Side Walkgreen hike

Summary: Having two days to see the "interior" of Belarus, we wanted to pay our respect to Brest. Brest Fortress is a moving war memorial, which can't be described within a Wikiloc trail, but the huge Biosphere Reserve can.

Highlight of a visit to Belarus: the Byelovezhskaya State National Park and Biosphere Reserve is an hour's drive from Brest to the north. You can see more of the open park boundaries when coming south from Grodno. Praised as the biggest primeval woods in the heart of Europe the park extends across the border into Poland.

A one-day excursion can only scratch the surface of all there is to do. Here is an easy trail to some quiet lakes, unspoiled despite the numerous visitors who seem to stick more to the asphalted main roads even when walking. Few snap shots of Bison and wolf are your reward.

Don't expect much elevation gain when walking in Belarus. The highest point in Belarus is about 345,6 meters high.

Maximum altitude: 162 meter
Minimum altitude: 145 meter
Cumulative height: 14  meter
Cumulative length: 6 kilometer roundtrip
Difficulty easy
Time: 2 hours
Date of this record September 2014
Download GPS info: Byelovezhskaja Puscha

General location and approach: North of Brest, also to be reached from Grodno (which also has some nice sights)

Other Information: It is certainly recommended to visit the war memorial in Brest

GPS and trailmaps: The map and trailinformation is generated by wikiloc, based on GPS information collected from the actual hike. Waypoints can be downloaded to a GPS device from Wikiloc. If necessary, use GPSBabel to convert GPS data to different formats. For more hike descriptions by Palmtreetreeproduction, browse this website or visit Wikiloc and search for "Palmtreeproduction". You may also find nearby trails from other authors.

Google Earth: You may also view the trail in 3D by clicking "view in Google Earth" when on Wikiloc. You need to have Google Earth installed on your computer.